

The former mayor accused of sabotaging a colleague in China has been expelled from the Communist Party and removed from public office, a disciplinary

Engaging in misconduct, falsely accusing and sabotaging colleagues; repeatedly accepting bribes, ...

6ms_top 2024-01-12

As of now, the number of Chinese doctoral candidates has exceeded 610,000.

On January 11, the Ministry of Education held the National Education Work Conference for the year...

6ms_top 2024-01-12

Xi Jinping meets with Belgian Prime Minister De Croo.

In the afternoon of January 12, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Belgian Prime Minister Alex...

6ms_top 2024-01-12

The strong start of the Chinese economy brings a warm atmosphere.

On January 11th, "Xinwen Lianbo" reported on various aspects of the Chinese economy, including th...

6ms_top 2024-01-12

A 23-year-old man from Taiwan died while skiing in Japan.

A 23-year-old Taiwanese man died in an accident while skiing at a ski resort in Nagano Prefecture...

6ms_top 2024-01-12