Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, emphasizing the need t

6ms_top 2024-01-09

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered an important speech on the morning of January 8th at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC. He emphasized that after a decade of unwavering and powerful anti-corruption efforts in the new era, the fight against corruption has achieved overwhelming victories and comprehensive consolidation. However, the situation remains severe and complex.

Xi Jinping pointed out that in 2023, the year of the beginning of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, the Party Central Committee resolutely promotes the Party's self-revolution. Through extensive education on studying and implementing the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the Party persistently uses innovative theories to consolidate its core and soul. Efforts are made to advance the concretization, precision, and normalization of political supervision, rectify prominent issues of formalism and bureaucracy, eliminate disruptive elements within the Party, and strengthen the management and supervision of Party members and cadres. This ensures the comprehensive, strict governance of the Party moves into a deeper phase, effectively guiding and guaranteeing the initiation of the new journey.

Xi Jinping emphasized that as the world's largest Marxist ruling party, the CPC must successfully break free from historical cycles of chaos and decline, ensuring that the Party remains unchanged in nature, color, and taste. This is a strategic issue facing all Party members. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, continuous exploration and theoretical thinking have taken place in the great practice of advancing the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party. Building on Mao Zedong's initial answer of "letting the people supervise the government," the second answer is the ongoing advancement of the Party's self-revolution. Over the past decade of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in the new era, deepened understanding of the Party's self-revolution has accumulated rich practical experience, forming a series of important theoretical achievements that systematically answer major questions about why and how the Party conducts self-revolution.

Xi Jinping outlined nine key issues to grasp in the practical process of advancing the Party's self-revolution. These include upholding the fundamental guarantee of the Party Central Committee's centralized and unified leadership, focusing on leading the great social revolution as the fundamental purpose, adhering to the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the fundamental guideline, aiming for a strategic goal of breaking free from historical cycles, addressing unique challenges faced by a large party as the main direction, improving the system of comprehensive and strict Party governance as an effective approach, forging strong organizations and building excellent teams as a crucial focus, emphasizing rectification of Party discipline and anti-corruption efforts as an important aspect, and combining self-supervision with people's supervision as a powerful driving force. Xi Jinping stressed the need to adhere to emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping pace with the times, and adhering to both principles and innovation. Continuous practical exploration and theoretical innovation are essential, deepening the understanding of the regularities of the Party's self-revolution, making the ideas and measures for the Party's self-revolution more rigorous, and thoroughly implementing self-revolution on every front and at every level.

Xi Jinping highlighted that in the new journey of the anti-corruption struggle, efforts must be sustained and deepened to eliminate the soil and conditions that give rise to corruption. The overall requirement is to simultaneously prevent, resist, and deter corruption, comprehensively address both symptoms and root causes, continuously expand the depth and breadth of the anti-corruption struggle, adopt targeted and precise measures, and resolutely fight against corruption on all fronts. The goal is to gradually reduce recurrent old problems and prevent the spread of new issues, promoting the normalization and long-term effectiveness of preventing and combating corruption.

Xi Jinping emphasized the need to strengthen the Party's centralized and unified leadership over the anti-corruption struggle. Party committees at all levels must effectively enhance leadership throughout the entire process of the anti-corruption struggle, firmly support the investigation and handling of corruption cases, and take decisive actions to rectify issues. As specialized agencies, discipline inspection and supervisory commissions must proactively assume their responsibilities, effectively assist Party committees in organizing and coordinating anti-corruption work, and integrate the strengths of the entire anti-corruption chain. Functional departments should ensure high-efficiency collaboration, consciously translate the central decisions on anti-corruption into concrete actions, and enhance the execution of anti-corruption efforts.

Xi Jinping stressed the importance of maintaining a high-pressure stance on punishing corruption. Faced with the still severe and complex situation, there should be no turning back, no relaxation, and no mercy in the fight against corruption. The "seven don'ts" issues should continue to be addressed, with combating corruption associated with collusion between politics and business considered the primary focus of the battle. Efforts should be made to decisively strike against profit-seeking behavior relying on power and prevent various interest groups and powerful entities from infiltrating the political sphere. Deepen the anti-corruption campaign in areas of concentrated power, intensive funds, and abundant resources such as finance, state-owned enterprises, energy, medicine, and infrastructure projects, clearing risks and hazards. Combat "petty corruption" and "minor bribery," ensuring the public gains a greater sense of satisfaction.

Xi Jinping pointed out the need to deepen reforms to block the breeding and spread of corruption. The essence of corruption lies in the abuse of power. Focus on key powers, such as decision-making, policy-setting, approval, and supervision, and deepen institutional and systemic reforms in key areas. Accelerate the construction of governance mechanisms in emerging fields, improve the mechanisms that restrict and regulate the exercise of power, further plug institutional loopholes, regulate discretionary powers, and reduce opportunities for rent-seeking. Establish a collaborative mechanism for corruption prevention and punishment, strengthen dynamic monitoring of integrity risks, and enhance the rapid response to new forms of corruption and hidden corruption.

Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of further improving anti-corruption laws and regulations. In terms of comprehensively preventing, resisting, and deterring corruption, foundational laws and regulations should be perfected. Develop and improve supporting systems to supervise leaders and leadership teams. Promote the continuous advancement of national anti-corruption legislation, keeping pace with the times by revising the supervision law, and taking the opportunity to conduct a centralized discipline education throughout the Party. Strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of key laws and regulations to ensure a unified and comprehensive compliance.

Xi Jinping stressed the need to intensify efforts to punish bribery. Thoroughly investigate and deal with those who frequently drag officials down and harm localities. Release typical cases as a means of educating and deterring. Increase efforts to confiscate and correct the illegal gains of bribery.

Xi Jinping emphasized the need for persistent efforts to purify the political ecology. Adhere to both uncovering hidden problems and promoting clean governance, strictly observe political discipline and rules, maintain the Party's political life, eliminate "unwritten rules," establish "clear rules," firmly prevent the formation of "small circles," "worshipping certain individuals," and "building cliques." Vigorously crack down on all forms of political fraud, strictly prevent bringing the principles of commodity exchange into the Party. Unswervingly rectify issues related to personnel appointments and dismissals, promoting clear and straightforward relationships among comrades and a proper hierarchical relationship, fostering a clean political ecology.

Xi Jinping pointed out the need to strengthen the construction of a clean political culture in the new era. Carry out in-depth education on


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