The former mayor accused of sabotaging a colleague in China has been expelled from the Communist Party and removed from public office, a disciplinary

6ms_top 2024-01-12

Engaging in misconduct, falsely accusing and sabotaging colleagues; repeatedly accepting bribes, engaging in corrupt money and sex transactions; abusing public resources for personal gain, embezzling a significant amount of public funds...

According to the disciplinary committee and supervisory commission of Henan Province on January 12th, Shang Zhaoyang, the former mayor of Xinyang City, has been expelled from the Communist Party and removed from public office. He is suspected of crimes related to bribery, corruption, and abuse of power, and the case has been transferred to the judicial authorities for legal examination and prosecution.

Public reports indicate that Shang Zhaoyang was born in April 1963 in Wuyang, Henan Province. In his early years, he worked successively in Xuchang City, Luohe City, and Luoyang City, serving as a member of the Standing Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor of Luoyang City.

In May 2016, Shang Zhaoyang was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Xinyang City Committee and Mayor, holding the position until stepping down in July 2021. Later, he was appointed as a consultant to the provincial government. In July 2023, he was investigated for serious violations of discipline and law.

According to the official statement on his expulsion from the Party, Shang Zhaoyang lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from Party principles, exhibited severe political misconduct, and falsely accused and sabotaged colleagues. The report details various violations, including disregarding the spirit of the central eight-point regulations, accepting bribes, engaging in corrupt practices, moral degradation, abuse of power, and causing significant losses of state funds.

The Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision emphasized that Shang Zhaoyang seriously violated the Party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, and life discipline, constituting serious breaches of duty, suspected bribery, corruption, and abuse of power crimes. Given the severity and adverse impact of his actions, he was subject to severe disciplinary measures, including expulsion from the Party, dismissal from public office, confiscation of ill-gotten gains, and referral of his suspected criminal offenses to judicial authorities for prosecution.


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