In 2024, is there a price increase for public transportation in Lanzhou? Official denial.

6ms_top 2024-01-12

On January 2nd at 13:57, the web security brigade of the Xigu Sub-bureau of Lanzhou Public Security Bureau discovered during their work that a netizen posted on a certain platform claiming: One of the reasons for the fare increase at the Lanzhou Bus Company's hearing last year was that the fare was too low, and bus drivers couldn't get their salaries. After the fare increase, Lanzhou bus drivers still didn't get their salaries. In the new year, the bus company will initiate a 2024 fare increase hearing.

After discovering this information, the police immediately reported to the provincial cyber security detachment, the municipal public security bureau cyber security detachment, and the sub-bureau leadership. Under the guidance of the municipal public security bureau cyber security detachment and careful verification and multiple confirmations from relevant authorities, it was found that the video statement was indeed a rumor, and it had an inciting effect, which could mislead the public and cause real harm. Personnel were promptly arranged to investigate the person who posted the content.

After investigation, the poster Liu admitted that he fabricated and disseminated false information on the internet platform to attract attention and generate traffic.

On January 10th, the Cyber Security Brigade of the Xigu Sub-bureau, in conjunction with the Xianfeng Road Police Station, summoned Liu for interrogation. His actions violated the provisions of Article 25, Paragraph 1 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law," and Liu was subjected to administrative penalties according to the law.


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