As of now, the number of Chinese doctoral candidates has exceeded 610,000.

6ms_top 2024-01-12

On January 11, the Ministry of Education held the National Education Work Conference for the year 2024. According to the information provided, in the past year, the education sector has accelerated the integration of education, science, and talent, initiated the comprehensive reform of higher education, and improved the "adaptability" of education to economic and social development. Strategic actions include implementing the national strategy for cultivating top-notch talents in basic disciplines, developing core textbooks for top-notch talents in basic disciplines, and launching special programs for international summer schools. Notably, the effectiveness of the "Double First-Class" construction has become apparent. Currently, 32 national excellent engineering colleges and 4 national excellent engineering innovation research institutes have been established. It is reported that China's universities currently have 612,000 doctoral candidates, becoming a strong force in university research.


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