In 2023, the net income overview of Chinese online broadcasters is as follows: Small Yang Ge, Xinba, and Li Jiaqi lead with a significant advantage, w

6ms_top 2024-01-09

On January 9th, according to reports from domestic media, the wildly popular online streamer "Crazy Little Yang Ge" became the highest-earning broadcaster in the past year, surpassing 32 billion.

The Guangdong E-commerce Summit Forum announced the top 50 net incomes of online broadcasters for the year 2023. The data reveals that Crazy Little Yang Ge had the highest income in 2023, with an annual income of 32.123 billion.

Xinba and Li Jiaqi ranked second and third, both with incomes exceeding 20 billion, significantly leading other broadcasters behind them. Dong Yuhui from Oriental Selection ranked fourth with an income of 5.226 billion.

The well-known Luo Yonghao earned 82.9 million, which is a significant factor in how quickly he can repay debts.

Additionally, looking at the list, even the last-ranked broadcaster had a net income close to 60 million, indicating substantial earnings in the industry.

However, the current situation in the industry suggests that while top broadcasters earn significantly, it might be relatively challenging for those who haven't reached that level.


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