Average housing assets per Chinese household reach 1.87 million yuan! Professor suggests retirees sell homes and retire to rural areas.

6ms_top 2024-01-08

With the acceleration of China's urbanization process, the issue of aging population in urban areas is becoming increasingly prominent. At the same time, soaring urban housing prices have brought significant economic pressure to retirees. In this context, the suggestion proposed by Ruan Jia, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University — for retirees to sell their homes and retire to rural areas — not only provides retirees with a new way of life but also helps alleviate urban housing pressure and promote integrated urban-rural development.

Selling homes and retiring to rural areas has multiple advantages for retirees. Firstly, the rural environment is beautiful, the air is fresh, and the pace of life is slow, contributing to an improved quality of life for retirees. Secondly, the cost of living in rural areas is lower, easing the financial burden on retirees. Additionally, the harmonious neighborly relationships in rural areas help elderly individuals establish new social networks, reducing feelings of loneliness.

The implementation of this suggestion requires collective efforts from the government, society, and individuals. The government should enact relevant policies to encourage and support retirees in selling their homes and retiring to rural areas. For instance, policies such as tax incentives and housing subsidies can be introduced to lower the threshold for purchasing property in rural areas. Meanwhile, the government needs to improve rural infrastructure construction and enhance the level of services in areas such as healthcare and education to provide better life support for retirees.

Various sectors of society should actively participate in this initiative. Real estate developers can create rural residences suitable for elderly living, offering comprehensive facilities and services. Financial institutions can provide loans and financial services for retirees, aiding them in better asset allocation. Furthermore, social organizations and individuals can organize various activities to care for the elderly, helping them adapt to rural life more smoothly.

Certainly, the suggestion of selling homes and retiring to rural areas also poses some challenges and issues. For example, ensuring the rights and benefits of retirees in terms of medical care and social security in rural areas, as well as addressing insufficient rural infrastructure and public service facilities. To tackle these issues, joint efforts from the government, society, and retirees are needed to find reasonable solutions.

Retirees selling homes and retiring to rural areas is an innovative and feasible lifestyle. Through this approach, not only can the quality of life for retirees be improved and their financial burden eased, but it can also contribute to alleviating urban housing pressure and promoting integrated urban-rural development. Of course, the implementation of this suggestion requires collective efforts from the government, society, and individuals, as well as overcoming various challenges and issues. Only in this way can more retirees enjoy a wonderful rural life.


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