A 19-year-old Chinese girl died on the third day after undergoing liposuction.

6ms_top 2024-01-09

Nine months have passed since the interview with Ma Jingjing (alias) about the liposuction surgery death case, but the profound impact of this incident is still hard to erase from my memory.

At the young age of 19, Ma Jingjing always felt that her legs were too thick and tried various methods to make them slimmer. On the third day after undergoing liposuction surgery performed by Dr. Sun Jiangwen (alias), Ma Jingjing died despite rescue efforts.

According to the assessment, Ma Jingjing died due to postoperative necrotizing fasciitis of the left thigh, with multiple organ failure. Shockingly, the surgeon, Sun Jiangwen, was not registered with the health department for practice and had not undergone multi-point practice filing as a "flying knife" doctor.

Although the materials provided by the investigating authorities are not extensive, the cold numbers and assessment opinions still allow me to imagine the fear and pain Ma Jingjing experienced before her death.

On the night Ma Jingjing fell into a stupor due to the liposuction surgery, her mother, Liang Xiaoli (alias), continuously made video calls to her, persisting until dawn. I can also imagine the worry and anxiety of a mother whose calls were never answered.

The prosecuting prosecutor told me that Ma Jingjing was only 19 years old when she died, and the "flying knife" doctor Sun Jiangwen has never apologized. Liang Xiaoli, a single mother, has been plagued by rumors from some self-media after her daughter's death, making it difficult for her to escape from her pain.

Through persistent efforts, I finally contacted Liang Xiaoli, whose life struggles have left her physically and mentally exhausted. For Liang Xiaoli, what makes her most indignant is that the "flying knife" doctor Sun Jiangwen knew he hadn't registered with the health department for practice but still went to a plastic surgery hospital in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, to perform liposuction surgery on Ma Jingjing.

Sun Jiangwen not only failed to conduct preoperative assessments, maintain records of the surgery process, or provide medication prescriptions and postoperative instructions, but also did not sign related medical documents. After the surgery, during Ma Jingjing's observation period in the hospital, she experienced pain, vomiting, and confusion. The nurse contacted Sun Jiangwen, informed him of the situation, but he did not arrive promptly to examine her or take effective treatment measures.

Even when questioned by the prosecuting prosecutor later on, Sun Jiangwen still argued: "My surgery was not problematic. The postoperative care is the responsibility of the plastic surgery hospital. The victim's death has nothing to do with me."

At this point, with a tearful voice, Liang Xiaoli told me, "My daughter was my heart. He killed my daughter and says it's not his fault."

Liang Xiaoli still has many questions: Why, when Ma Jingjing was already experiencing persistent high fever, repeated vomiting, and incontinence, did the medical beauty institution not send her to the hospital? What were the standards for their rescue efforts?

In fact, these are also my questions. After inquiring with several plastic surgery and beauty clinics, I learned that many medical beauty clinics do not have clear regulations on the standards for sending critically ill beauty seekers to the hospital, leading to frequent unfortunate events. However, the prosecuting authorities are actively promoting relevant departments to establish mechanisms to reduce such incidents. In addition, the prosecuting authorities have been tracking and urging relevant regulatory departments to strengthen supervision over local medical beauty institutions, licensed physicians, treatment standards, and other aspects. In March 2023, they conducted two "return visits" to check the progress of the case. Through on-site inspections, they found that more than 20 medical beauty institutions in the jurisdiction had improved in aspects such as enhancing professional qualifications, regulating personnel management, and strengthening system construction. This effectively standardized the local medical beauty industry market.


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